By Jing DiPiero

Plants By People Featured in VegNews

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news with you—Plants By People was recently featured in an editorial on VegNews! 🌿🎉 The piece highlights how our founder, Jing DiPiero, turned her personal journey into the modern wellness brand you know and love today.

From Acne Struggles to Wellness Success

Like many of us, Jing faced her share of challenges when she moved to New York for graduate school. Adjusting to the American diet took a toll on her skin, leading to a severe acne flare-up that lasted five long years. But instead of turning to harsh treatments, Jing went back to her roots—literally.

A trusted neighbor, a renowned herbalist and naturopathic doctor in Beijing reminded her of the all-natural, plant-based diet she grew up with. It was a *game-changer*. Her skin began to heal and clear up, and she discovered firsthand the power of plants.

This transformative experience inspired Jing to create Plants By People, a brand that combines the ancient wisdom of herbal medicine with modern science to support your wellness journey. 🌱

What Sets Us Apart at Plants By People?

At Plants By People, we’re all about keeping things simple, natural, and plant-based. Our blends feature no more than five organic ingredients—each chosen for its powerful health benefits and backed by clinical research. And guess what?  You can pronounce every single one of them!

But we didn’t stop at just making our products clean and effective. We also wanted them to taste amazing. That’s why Jing and a team of researchers and scientists spent a year perfecting our recipes.

The result? Delicious, refreshing beverages that are as good for your taste buds as they are for your body.

Why VegNews is Buzzing About Us

VegNews, a leading voice in the plant-based community, recognized how our blends stand out in the crowded wellness market. In the article, they highlighted how celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Kim Kardashian have embraced herbal medicine for their own health, and how Plants By People is making it easy for everyone to enjoy the benefits of these ancient practices at home.

Whether it’s boosting your energy, supporting your digestion, or strengthening your immunity, our blends offer a natural, effective way to enhance your well-being—without any of the artificial stuff.

Join the Plants By People Movement!

We’re so grateful to VegNews for shining a spotlight on our mission to make wellness accessible and enjoyable for all. If you haven’t already tried our products, now’s the perfect time! Check out our range of plant-powered blends and see how they can make a difference in your life.

Ready to give your wellness routine a delicious upgrade? 🌟 Shop Now!